Friday 3 April 2020

The Christmas List

Each year, some time near the middle of December, a good week later than I should if I want to make sure the cards arrive in time, I print off last year's Christmas list, change a few addresses, maybe remove a name or two, and sit down with a pile of UNICEF cards (the French don't do charity cards) and write my Christmas greetings.

All too often, although I promise myself I will write some news, in fact there is only time for a few vague platitudes: "we must meet next year", "it would be lovely to see you here", "hope all the family are well".

This year, though, I know I cannot do that.  I cannot get to December and write those platitudes not knowing how these people, these friends, these relations who have been important in my life have fared.

How can I write "how was 2020 for you"? How can I tell them what 2020 has meant to us?  For the first time in years I know a card rushed in the post at the last minute will not be enough.

So I email, I phone, I write letters and tell our story and listen to theirs.  And with that first "hello" on the phone the decades drop away and I know why this matters.


  1. I know what you mean..I am making an effort to keep in touch more frequently - and so are friends.

    1. Thank you Fly for dropping by. You are on my virtual Christmas list, so it is good to hear from you. Stay safe.
