In our so-called orchard we have assorted elderly trees that produce strange sour or hard small fruits, which we struggle to identify. One tree however, regularly gives us sweet yellow juicy plums. I was told it was a Reine Claude (French for greengage) but I don't now think it is. The plums are too big. Despite its wizened appearance the tree produces a bounteous crop every two years - recovering from its bounteousness in the year between. In fact the crop was so abundant two years ago that several of the larger branches broke under the weight of the fruit.
We're in for another bumper harvest this year, so to help the tree Tod has been doing some major thinning out. The thinned plums are still small and quite inedible. That does not stop Vita however believing that she has to guard them, just in case Bertie should want some.
The Claude Rains Reine Claude