Sunday 6 October 2024

"So much of the world ...

 ... is not made by people."

A quote by author Barbara Kingsolver in this morning's Guardian resonates.

Friday I suggest we head for the Chinese buffet rather than cook supper.  It seemed like a good idea - the buffet is generous, varied and you can go back as often as you want. It's too easy to overeat! 

The restaurant is large, low ceilinged and crowded with families celebrating the start of the weekend. I'd forgotten it was Friday evening when I suggested we went.  On the table next to us a girl is coughing - badly.  Covid is still with us and I try to face the other way, avoiding her late teenage germs. 

The background noise of French people enjoying a meal is thunderous.  We are no longer used to urban living. 

We eat too much, regret it and escape, heading back to our world where "so much is not made by people". Our woods, valleys and fields may be shaped by man, but the green that soothes the soul is not of man. 

For much of the time the loudest sound we hear is birdsong.


  1. The one in Bergerac had a table for late comers even at weekends. When we went, as a four, they always 'made money' on three of us but it was touch and go on our fourth! Lesley

    1. We do enjoy the buffet but agree as we are leaving that visiting it once a year is probably enough!

  2. You get used to peace....I find venturing out becomes quite aq shock!

    1. We are also fortunate with the amount of space we have and our wonderful green vistas. All of this feeds the soul and I worry for a world where many people do not have this.
