Saturday 22 June 2024

Midsummer and I am wearing my dressing gown ...

 ... over my jeans and sweater and drinking hot chocolate to try to keep warm.  

I've just taken an electric radiator down to our guests in the cottage. The underfloor heating is off (after all it is summer) and it takes too long to warm up when it's switched back on.  They need the warmth right now. The cold and the persistent drizzle means that there is no incentive to go out and so they are huddled on the sofa in the lounge (reluctantly so far as the wife is concerned) watching football on the TV.

Difficult to believe it's supposed to be thirty degrees by Tuesday.

We've been here before. In 2010 we lit the wood fire in the lounge.  It's tempting to do so again this evening.

Yesterday, in Leclerc's their musak was blasting out Winter Wonderland.  Strange to be wandering around in June to the sound of "In the meadow we will build a snowman".  I try to explain this to the girl on the till.  From her expression I'm guessing she thought I was struggling with my French vocabulary.  I'll save this for a discussion point at our next Zoom French lesson.

Maybe the musak company knows something about climate change that the rest of us don't.


  1. In my NW English part of the world the Start of Summer and the Longest Day sort of flicked a switch and it has almost become warm, sunny and dry!
    My late father would ALWAYS say on the 24th June 'the nights are drawing in'. He was not wrong. Lesley

    1. Lucky you Lesley! I think we are supposed to be warm by Tuesday. Tod too has this thing about the days getting shorter from now onwards. We have lit the fire in the lounge, for comfort and warmth. Closing down and heading back there now to watch some rubbish TV. Enjoy your better weather.

  2. That sounds really miserable...and such a shame for your poor guests. Bucketing down here - well, it is the rainy season - but certainly not cold.

    1. Hello Fly, sorry I've been slow to reply - for some reason Blogspot hasn't let me know your comment is here. Fortunately the "30 degrees by Tuesday" happened and they've had their time by the pool for a few days. Cooler weather has returned, which suits them as they are the "out and about" type. I remember the bucketing down in Brazil and warm with it - felt very strange at the time to this Northern European. Hope you get respite sometimes.

  3. It's been bloomin' cold here, and then baking hot (30° yesterday) and then back to cool and rainy. The cats don't know if they're cuddling up for warmth or stretching on the tiles for coolth!

    1. Hello Fat Dormouse, sorry I've been slow to reply - busy time of year for me. Finally, this week summer seems to have arrived. Our latest guests have been in the pool every day, which has reached a pleasant 80 degrees F. Bertie stretches on the tiles these days to keep cool.
