Saturday, 22 March 2008


I miss grown-up conversation.

My weekdays (and some weekends) used to be filled with words like budget, deadline, proposal, new product development, presentation, client meeting, supplier. Now we talk about food, dogs, plants, builders, geothermic heating, birds, weather. It's comfortable language and none of it is challenging or mind stretching.

I have two cardboard wardrobes still unpacked from the move, full of business suits that I'm reluctant to let go. Here we wear jeans, T-shirts, sweaters. "Going out" usually means just putting on a less scruffy pair of jeans.

This transition was happening in the UK, but here it is sharper, more painful. The me that used to talk to senior managers in big companies is not quite sure what she is doing here and is feeling bereft.


  1. Just taking a break (aka displacement activity, trying to escape analysis for freelance job) & thought I'd catch up on your blog which I enjoy so much ... wish we could trade places for a day or 2 so you could get a dose of business speak! Not enjoying it much - would rather research heating systems & learn French words!! Grass on the other side, I guess ... Here almost proper spring now, both well, much to do. Thinking of you & hope all is well, N xx

  2. Thanks for your reply on Total France, I appreciate it.

    Not normally a blog reader, where do people find the time? But, I'm fascinated by the little of yours I have read tonight, plan a long catch-up one day soon.

    My dearest friend is based in Brazil. We were both part of a cooperative gallery in London, where we met. I'm now living in France, no family. I have a dog and am delighting in the plant and wildlife - everything new to me in this rural life, so much to learn (after London).
    There's a reason I feel I'd like to read your blog...

    Thanks also for the link to the Sixty Minute Artist - my studio is in renovation, another one to read when there's nothing to do - when will that be?

    Hmm, must have a look at your other links.

    Best regards, Sue Lishman
