Monday 23 March 2020

Sunday Afternoon - France in Lock Down

This weekend Vita has chosen to manifest full blown epilepsy.  Up until now she has had a fit once every few weeks or months (and indeed at the beginning every few years).  But Saturday night she had four fits in seven hours, which means she needs now to be on medication.
So Sunday afternoon meant a car ride across Lot-et-Garonne to our vet with my attestation explaining why I was out.
In the hour-long journey I saw:

  • One tractor
  • A man on a bicycle
  • A man on a motor bike
  • A boy on a skate board
  • A woman out walking
  • Eighteen cars


  1. Thanks for the updates on how life is going in 'rural' France. Best wishes to you both and the dogs. Extra good thoughts for Vita.
    I wonder how Costa Rica is doing as no post for ages. Lesley

  2. Hello Lesley, hope you and yours are all safe. Thanks for the good wishes. Vita doing fine, pleased to say. I got in touch with Costa Rica via her comments. I gather her husband is not well, so she has her hands full.
