Saturday, 4 July 2015

It's so hot ....

... we leave the swimming pool cover off at night in the hope that the water will cool;

... I'm grateful for the sweat from my hair line running down the side of my face and drying on my cheeks as I walk the dogs late at night past Philippe's now-harvested barley field;

... the water butts and underground tank are empty.  I'm reluctantly using tap water and the météo promises at least another two weeks of high temperatures.  At this rate it would be cheaper to let the veg garden dessicate and buy what we need from Lidl's;

... gardening is squeezed into the few hours before eleven in the morning;

... by mid-day the hydrangeas are wilting, no matter how much water I give them;

... I scan the skies for signs of thunder clouds building in the hope that they will break over us and not slip away north to the Dordogne;

... the citronella candles are recovering in the fridge.  Left unlit on the table outside the cottage, they gently melted in the noonday sun over the new "Paris grey and red to match the parasols" plastic tablecloth;

... in the crêperie tonight Giselle air-kisses from the other side of the courtyard, exclaiming it's too humid for physical contact.  We have gone there to celebrate. Tomorrow is the start of our ninth year in France.


  1. There you are....another reason not to garden for food. We have a well with pump and nearly 18 tonnes of water - this is being eaked out between garden plants, the fish pond and an odd car wash. There are times like this last week when I wish we had a pool for us and the dog. Lesley

    1. Hi Lesley, oh I envy you your well. :) Just been out watering - I'm now doing it twice a day for the pots around the cottage - guests arriving this week. I've mixed feelings about the veg - just started eating our beans and courgettes and they are lovely straight out of the ground. Although a pool wasn't on our list of "must haves", I'm so glad it's there. :)

  2. I feel for you, Sue. It's been quite hot enough for us up here in Normandy, even though our temperatures have been well below those you've been getting. here's hoping things cool down for you soon.

    1. Hello Perpetua, sorry to read about your cherry tree. Glad to say we've had a touch of rain over night and this morning feels really fresh - a great morning for strimming the ditches!
