Last Sunday, abandoning the hundred and one jobs in the garden and instead walking the Lateral Canal towpath with Vita, under the shade of the plane trees. Then sitting with a glass of wine and watching the Bank Holiday weekenders on their pleasure boats.
Supper on the veranda and not wanting to close the shutters until late.
Hacking at grass grown too long to cut with the lawnmower and then raking up the fallen bundles.
Tuesday afternoon's French lesson in the garden.
A myriad tiny plums on the Reine Claude plum tree.
Yesterday, daring each other to go into the swimming pool as the water temperature had reached 20 degrees. After the first shock it was almost worth it.
Getting a red nose and burnt cheeks from a morning's gardening.
All day and night, the sound of crickets.
Driving the batmobile at night with the hood still down.
The sound of bells from across the valley - the cows are back in their field for summer.
This evening watching the thunder clouds rolling up round the moon as Vita and I play football in the fading light.
The Lateral Canal
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