... as the thunder, lightning and rain roll in, leaving Vita with her nose pressed against the kitchen worktop where her half-prepared breakfast sits above, tantalisingly just out of reach.
Tod and Bertie have gone for their morning walk and although dressed for inclement weather, the rain is coming down harder and faster than they anticipated and the lightning is uncomfortably close.
I meet the drenched pair trudging up the road between Monsieur F's two fields and Tod mildly suggests it would have been nice if I had come looking for them two minutes earlier.
We cover the pool - stable door and bolting horses come to mind. Last night the water was nearly 30°C. It's dropped to 23° and the heatwave has abruptly left us overnight. We will struggle to get the water anywhere near those lovely warm-bath temperatures again for our current guests. Not that the outlook invites much lounging by and in the pool.
Still, our guests may sleep more easily at night and opening up the cottage (and the house) first thing in the morning to let in the fresh, cool air will be a real pleasure.
We're due more rain (and possible storms) through the coming days. As the rock hard clay in the rose beds begins to soften, I may finally get some long overdue weeding done.