Tuesday 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Fly. And yes the meal was great - Tod's a good cook.

  2. Sorry to answer so late! Thank you! The village is having our Gallette des rois around a verre de l'amitié on the 6th and our decorations will be illuminated no more and all the stuff will go back in the boxes in the sous sol. We look forward to the lighter mornings and being able to dry the washing in 10 minutes outside. Lesley

    1. Hello Lesley, meilleurs voeux for the New Year. Our get-together is next week. Unfortunately these days there's not much money to go around and they offer a pretty terrible pizza, so we just stay for the speeches and to make sure the mayor sees we're there and have made the effort. By this stage I'm bored with our decorations, so am looking forward to tomorrow. :)
